Construction of Artificial Concrete Block made of Coal-fly Ash for Seaweed Parasitism
By H. Kiyomi, T. Taminato, E. Saito and K. Ishida

Concrete Journal, Vol.44, No.11, Nov. 2006

The attempt to create the growth environment of the aquatic organism is advanced at west area of Kushiro Port by setting up the artificial concrete blocks for seaweed parasitism. 'Kelp Base', one of the artificial concrete blocks experimentally constructed at Kushiro Port, is the recycling block made of coal-fly ash that is industrial by-product, also has various devices for the seaweed parasitism. This paper describes the outline of 'Kelp Base', content of experimental construction, and quality control results of coal-fly ash recycling material.
artificial concrete block for seaweed parasitism, coal-ash, fly-ash, by-product, recycle, seaweed

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