Flexural Crack Behaviors of Partially Pre-stressed High Strength Concrete Beams
By Y. Tsuji, C. Li, K. Suhara and C. Hashimoto

Concrete Journal, Vol.53, No.3, Mar. 2015

While the bending cracks properties of RC beams and PC beams have already been reported numerously in relation to the effective use of high-strength concrete, few studies have been conducted on the effect of increasing the strength of concrete on the bending cracks properties of PPC beams. This paper reports the experimental results obtained by a study examining primarily the bending crack width of PPC beams using high-strength concrete through comparison with PPC beams using ordinary concrete, with the amount of tension reinforcement and the quality of the PC grout as the main factors. Among the main findings are the fact that even when high strength concrete is used, the effect of PC grout strength is small, the fact that a bending crack dispersion effect was not necessarily obtained in PPC beams with small tensile reinforcement ratio, and the fact that although bending crack width could be reduced in PPC beams with small tensile reinforcement ratio, almost no such reduction could be achieved in PPC beams with large tensile reinforcement ratio.
PPC beams, bending crack width, bending crack spacing, high strength concrete, tensile reinforcement ratio, rectangular section

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