Overview of Specifications for Highway Bridges: Part III Concrete Bridges and Concrete Members
By Y. Oshima, T. Tamakoshi and M. Shirato

Concrete Journal, Vol.56, No.4, Apr. 2018

In July 2017, the Technical Standards for Bridges and Elevated Highways (Specifications for Highway Bridges) Part I-V were revised. Accordingly, the Japan Road Association (JARA) newly issued “Specifications for Highway Bridges, Part I-V" in November 2017. This paper gives an overview of the revisions to the specifications for highway bridges and, with regard to the main revisions in Specifications for Highway Bridges, Part III: Concrete Bridges and Concrete Members, describes the concept of load carrying capacity and durability as it pertains to concrete members, and introduces joints and cable structures, among other things.
Specifications for Highway Bridges, revision, partial factor design method, limit state design method, concrete bridge

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