A Fundamental Study on the Test Methods for Evaluating Scaling Resistance of Concrete Exposed to Chloride Environment
By Yoshinori Gondai, Masami Shoya, Yoichi Tsukinaga and Yasuhiro Koda

Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.20, No.1, Jan. 2009 (Issue 49)

In Japan, several different test methods, correspondingly applying either the test method regulated in foreign countries or the originally proposed method, have been used to evaluate scaling resistance of concrete according to a researcher's convenience. In this study, the influences in testing conditions exerting the occurrence of scaling were examined using ASTM C672 method and RILEM CDF method. Between both test methods, there existed the differences of the mass of scaled-off particles and the coefficient of variations. Also, the ways how to apply the chloride solution in test, resulted in the change of the amount of scaling. It was confirmed, from the viewpoint of scaling rate, the total mass of scaled-off particles due to change of the water cement ratio and the test method were found to be almost governed by the amount of scaling developed at the early cycle of the freeze-thaw test.
Chloride environment, Scaling, Freezing and thawing test, ASTM C672, RILEM CDF

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