
 委員会設立主旨 / Objectives of the technical committee
  • コンクリートの自己修復に関わる現象を機構に応じて定義し、ヴェン図にして提案した。
  • 過去の研究事例を、そのヴェン図に対応させて分類、整理した。
  • 自己修復性を工学的に展開していくうえでの問題点を指摘、整理した(研究集会を含む)。
  • これらの活動を、RILEMの委員会を通して世界へ発信した。
  • State-of-The-Artレポートを発行した。

The committee of TC-091A is a follow-up of JCI-TC-075B on autogenous healing in cementitious materials. The previous committee has just finished its activity. It has published the State-of-Art Report. The report is the first publication on this specific topic in the world. Extensive literature review and the advanced healing or repairing technologies in Japan are addressed in the report. However, the part of the research-oriented works has not been satisfactory accomplished during the committee activity. Thus, the evolution of more research-oriented works is remained as the greatest task to this committee of TC-091A. Therefore, the new committee puts emphasis on doing research works that need practical experiments or measurements on the self-healing properties.

The committee consists of about 20 experts from universities and other research institutes of the industry. The whole committee is divided into some task groups for the sake of active works. The following task groups are being planned; Modeling, Design and application, Round-robin tests, Recommendation of testing methods.

The objective of this committee is as follows;
  1. Promote comprehensive understanding of self-healing phenomena.
  2. Establish self-healing technology as reliable repairing methods.
  3. Increase the number of researchers involved in the research on self-healing technology for concrete structure.
  4. Make a recommendation of testing methods for the healing properties.
  5. Take a part in the international research activity relating to this topic.
  6. Organize or co-organize an international opportunity to present the accomplishment of the committee works.
The door of the committee is open to everybody who is interested in this topic or relating issues. Contribution to the committee through the correspondence is also welcome. We are very pleased to keep in touch with other similar committees in the world.

  • 自然治癒のモデル化 → モデル化WG
  • 適用時の設計方法 → 適用WG
  • 実際のコンクリートで検証 → 共通試験WG
  • 検査・評価方法の確立 → 検査・評価WG
  1. ひび割れ自己治癒技術を体系づけて、補修技術の一つとして認識されるようにする。
  2. 研究・実験レベルの情報をJCI会員に発信し、当該分野に関する研究者人口を増加させ、今後のコンクリートの重要な研究分野の一つとして位置づけられるようにする。
  3. RILEMの委員会等との活動と連携を強化し、2011年を目処に、国際シンポジウム等で委員会としてまとまった形での成果発表を行う。
