Bend Test for Gas Pressure Welded Joints of Reinforcing Bars
By H. Nakazawa, Y. Yabe, H. Narihara and S. Hayashi

Concrete Journal, Vol.44, No.12, Dec. 2006

Since gas pressure welded splices of SD 490 bars occasionally snapped in the bent test up to 90 degrees, the performance evaluation of adequacy for using them at hinged zone has been suspended. The subcommittee for the performance of splices in Japan Pressure Welding Society (JPWS) carried out a sequence of investigations to settle the issue. The results of the bend tests, the cyclic tensile loading tests and investigations of inspection records in actual construction projects are reported in this paper. Results of the investigations suggest gas pressure welded SD 490 splices with appropriate quality control have adequate performance. The revised criterion for the bend test of gas pressure welded splices is also proposed.
splices, gas pressure welded joint, bend test, high-strength reinforcing bar, performance evaluation

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